Workshop by Markus Schaden and Wolfgang Zurborn
Galeri Foto Jurnalistik Antara, January 16th-22nd 2013
In cooperation with Goethe Institute Indonesia
Photobook Masterclass Jakarta 2013, photograph by Wolfgang Zurborn
with the participants
Agus Susanto • Andi Ari Setiadi • Arum Tresnaningtyas Dayuputri
Bobby Haryanto • Dedy Sinuhaji • Irma Chantily • Jerry Adiguna
Kurniadi Widodo • Mamuk Ismuntoro • Mohammad Safir Makki
Prasetyo Utomo • Rony Zakaria • Taufan Wijaya
Galeri Foto Jurnalistik Antara & Goethe-Institut Indonesia
invited Markus Schaden and Wolfgang Zurborn to make a photobook workshop
with young Indoesian photographers.
Twelve book dummies realized during the masterclass the publication
Thanks a lot for the great support by Gunawan Widjaja, Oscar Motuloh and Octa Christi from Antara Gallery and Christel Mahnke, Devi Veriana, Anna Maria Kribus and Franz Xaver Augustin from Goethe Institute Indonesia
Markus Schaden working on a book edit, photograph by Wolfgang Zurborn
Celebrating a “Month of Photo Book“ starting in January, the Galeri Foto Jurnalistik Antara turned into a centre of photo book art and offers a wide range of activities.
Markus Schaden and Wolfgang Zurborn were the special guests at this event. They were holding the “Photo Book Master Class Jakarta”, working with the participating photographers on developing their own projects. In the frame of a portfolio review they got an wider overview on contemporary Indonesian photography. Lectures about the photobook and different strategies of editing by Oscar Motuloh, Markus Schaden and Wolfgang Zurborn were reflecting historical and contemporary questions about this important medium. The future of photo book markets and the challenges of e-distribution were the main issues in a public discussion.
Photobook Masterclass Jakarta 2013, photograph by Wolfgang Zurborn